I created The Lawyer Whisperer to equip you with the insights, confidence, and motivation necessary to navigate your path towards both professional success and personal fulfillment.

A Message to my Readers
The help you need is finally here.

I have been deeply entrenched in the turmoil of this profession. First as a lawyer, now as a prominent legal consultant and recruiter. My work with high profile companies, law firms and scores of lawyers and aspiring lawyers has placed my finger on the pulse of how this profession is evolving. And has enabled me to determine the best ways for legal professionals to adapt – and thrive.

I created The Lawyer Whisperer to help you navigate this sea of change and provide you with the knowledge, confidence and inspiration to chart your course to professional and personal happiness. I created it to help mitigate your fears and provide you with tools and strategies. I created it to demonstrate…in every response to every question and in the comments from other group members…that nothing is impossible and your goals can be achieved. I created it to empower you to get there.

At the end of the day, we’re all in this together – and seek the same thing: a fulfilling career…and a happy life. The fact that you’re a member of this group shows that you deeply care about these goals. So as you read my posts, I hope every experience is a positive one – and you the find value, support and inspiration you need to continue on your path of success.