After my job interview my interest level has waned. Is it ok to withdraw midway through the process or should I keep an open mind and complete it?
My company has been struggling and the stock has been sinking for a while. How much will the negative brand impact my candidacy for a new job? Do companies only want to hire lawyers from “successful” companies?
Whenever I apply for a job online, I never hear back. It’s really annoying! What can I do to change this?
What offer terms are acceptable to negotiate for an in house position? How do I figure out where there might be room to negotiate and what truly is set in stone?
What is the best way to ensure that my current contacts will introduce me to the professionals I want/need?
I’m a senior law firm partner and want to move in house. How do I convince employers that my experience is relevant and I’m not too old?
After applying for a job, is it appropriate to contact attorneys in the organization who went to my law school or undergrad to get a better sense of the company/firm?
I hate networking even though I know it’s good for my career. I feel like a phony and that I am pressuring my friends. How do I overcome these feelings?
I was fired from my job. How to I address this issue in an interview without compromising my candidacy?
As an associate, will it hurt my career to join a law firm’s “satellite” office as opposed to its headquarters?
Do top academic credentials still provide lawyers with a big competitive advantage in today’s legal job market?
Dear Julie, a lawyer in my network (whom I have known for years) always asks for help and favors, but never gives anything in return.
I interviewed for a job and was told I would hear back within two weeks, but that time has passed and I still haven’t heard anything. What’s your advice about following up?