The Little Things.

I’m having a great day. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened: No big lottery win. No squeezing into skinny jeans. No accolades or pats on the back. No SF Giants winning streak. Things are exactly the same as they were yesterday. But today is a great day. Why?

Usually when we feel “up” it’s because something big, compelling or deeply meaningful happens in our personal or professional lives. And the mood is fleeting until the next big thing rolls around. But feeling great shouldn’t solely depend on the big events. Rather, the state of feeling happy should also be a product of The Little Things. The seemingly inconsequential little things – that taken in the aggregate make a difference in our lives. The difference.

The Little Things present themselves to each of us every day. And they’re different for everyone. The key is to pay attention. But paying attention is getting harder and harder – almost to the point where it’s near impossible. We’re all in our own little worlds. On the phone, pecking away on our computers, boxed in with iTunes, stressed about this and worried about that. Inside our own heads…striving and driving to succeed in this lightening speed world we live in.

And while I’m part of the majority on this earth who fall into the category above…This morning I paid attention:

  • Kids late to school? It will have to wait 5 more minutes. My son and daughter want to finish reading their new books to me.
  • A wave and a friendly hello to the grouch who walks his dog past my house every morning.
  • Hysterically funny text from my best college friend. Too much time has passed. After 7 months, coffee is finally on the calendar.
  • Gave another driver the right of way at my stop sign on the way to work – even though I arrived first. As he passed through I lifted my hand and gave a smile. And he waved back in appreciation.
  • I complimented my daily Starbucks barista on her friendly attitude every morning – rain or shine. And thanked her for her hard work each morning. I look forward to every visit.
  • And walked in my office – greeted with a big hello and smiles from colleagues who are amazing.

Are these silly things to write about? Are they trivial? So what? Who really cares anyway?

You should.

Not about my morning, but about the opportunities that surround you each day and invite you to slow down, express appreciation and do something nice for someone else. And take notice of the positive things in your professional and personal lives – no matter how small.

I had planned to write about another topic for the group today. But I changed my frequency this morning and it sparked a great feeling that I felt was important to acknowledge on a broader level. Sometime in the near future, I encourage you to do the same. Try it. For one morning or one day…and see how it lifts you. The Little Things allow us to do good things. Say good things. Appreciate good things. And feel good things. So pause every so often…and pay attention.